1) Roll Call
Present: Zash, Daniel, Jonas, Dave, Georg

2) Agenda Bashing

3) Editor's Update
* Deferrals have been executed and will be disseminated to the list in a few 
days to not drown out other updates. Thanks Sam for the reminder.
* LCs for XEP-0429 and XEP-0381 have expired last year and Council never voted 
on it apparently.
* Moved 2.0 vs 1.0 will be taken care of by the Editor and MattJ.

4) Items for voting
Jonas notes that PR #1064 has been updated yet again during the voting period 
in order to incorporate list feedback - on behalf of Council, Jonas accepts 
responsibility as a result of not adhering to the "only vote on it after list 
discussion has settled down" policy accepted some time ago; this time, Council 
shall wait for list feedback before voting for a third and (hopefully) final 

4a) Advance XEP-0381 (Internet of Things Special Interest Group (IoT SIG)) -
Jonas notes that this had a Last Call in December [1], which was probably 
missed due to the ensuing holiday.
Georg asks whether the IoT Working Group is still functional - Jonas says that 
Debacle indicated interest, and there are a number of people in the IoT MUC. 
Zash mentions that were a number of related XEPs in the past, but most have 
been Retracted [2].
Jonas wonders whether there are measures in place to keep track of SIG members, 
if only to know where to address questions about deliverables being met; 
additionally, Jonas asks whether the SIG should be ignored unless there's a 
problem or if anything is required from Council.

Georg: +1
Jonas: +1
Zash: +1
Daniel: +1
Dave: +1

4b) Advance XEP-0429 (Special Interests Group End to End Encryption) -
Jonas thinks this is in a similar situation [3], though without resources 
allocated to it (mailing list, MUC, etc.)

Jonas: +1
Zash: +1
Georg: +1
Daniel: +1
Dave: +1

5) Pending Votes
The vote on PR #1064 has been cancelled.

6) Date of Next
2021-07-21 1500 UTC

7) AOB

8) Close
Thanks everyone.

Dave appears after everybody has already left and votes (noted inline.)

[2] Retracted: XEP-0323, XEP-0324, XEP-0325, XEP-0326; Deferred: XEP-0347

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