1) Roll Call
Present: Dave, Daniel, Sam
Apologies: Kev
Holidays: Georg

2) Items for a vote
Dave goes hunting, but doesn't see any in PRs, nor nay new ProtoXEPs; Sam 
doesn't recall any.

3) Outstanding Votes
Dave thinks everyone has outstanding votes, and requests they check the 
Spreadsheet of DoooOoooOOoOOOoOoOoooOOOOoOooOoom 
Sam will double-check, but thought he had voted on most of them; Dave says 
that's entirely possible.
Sam notes that his vote for MUC Self Ping was just pending the name change, 
which has happened, so that can now be an official +1. (But Sam still thinks 
it's silly and unnecessary to have the joke in the title, even if it is funny.) 
Dave will update Sam's votes.

4) AOB

5) Date of next
2018-09-19 1500 UTC

6) Close
With thanks from Sam.

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