1) Is There Anybody Out There?
Present: Dave, Georg, Sam, Daniel
Apologies: Kev

2) Matters for Voting
Dave doesn't think there's anything new; PR #706 is still open, and several 
other things have expired.

Georg thinks XEPs 0359 and 0357 have been voted for Last Call, but then notices 
Dave has yet to vote on them; Dave proceeds to vote +1 for both.

Georg endorses charging ahead with applying PR #706, though Daniel and Kev have 
yet to vote.
Dave feels that non-normative uses will continue being non-normative, and any 
lower-case normative words will remain normative (but without the specific 
meaning from RFC 2119), i.e. any change to meaning within XEPs will be small 
and insignificant.

3) AOB
Georg directs everyone's attention to, noting the November 
4th deadline.
Dave would buy front-row seats for a contested election.
Georg will try to prepare banner ads and giveaways.
Dave suggests nudging anyone you think may be a worthy candidate.

4) Next Meeting
2018-10-24 1500 UTC

5) Close
Dave thanks all; Georg thanks Dave.

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