
I don't know if we have it yet. But can we not make a continuous integration project that takes these extracts of the XEPs and compiles them, by making a xml lint? In that way we should be able to ensure that the XML is syntactically correct for our XEPs.

-Ciao! :-)


On Sep 23, 2008, at 11:32 PM, Peter Saint-Andre wrote:

BTW, I've created a small XSLT that extracts all the examples from a XEP
and puts them into a dedicated file. These files may assist developers
in checking the examples against the schemas, etc. You can find the
files here:


In fact, I just checked the file for XEP-0166 and found some errors,
which I quickly corrected. I have not yet generated files for all the
existing specs, but may do that soon.



Peter Saint-Andre

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