the news about SBIs new 50,000 Rs deposit plan,seems to be true,but why
doesnt any body, buy SBI shares which are very attractive and will provide
good returns .At present this stock is being hedged and short
sold,presumebly to support some big but fallable names in the market.In this
period of slow down ,SBI has recruited 25,000 officers and other staff,
which is 10% of its work force .It has opened more than 1000 new branches.
Its core banking network covers more than 8000 branches.It has shown net
profit in the last three quarters(see stock exchange filings).The employees
of SBI who hold the stock from employee quota/right issue @1590, can lower
there avarage cost of purchase by buying the stock at lower level.there are
aproximately 1,00,000 SBI employees who have subscribed tothis
right/employee quota issue last year, if most of them buy only five share
each again, we can call the bluff of a speculater... An informal SBI
Invester club needs to be formed. Please circulate......... Thanking you

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