BJP defeat in Bihar will be victory for India: Here’s why Narendra Modi
will emerge stronger and tougher
by Nov 8, 2015
#Bihar Asembly Elections 2015 #BJP #InMyOpinion #Mahagathbandhan #Narendra
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The trouble with the Grand Alliance is that when the hurly-burly is done
and the garlands binned, it is as strong as its weakest link, and really
not that grand.
The BJP is an entity in itself and has not lost ground. It is the single
largest party nationally and secured no less ground than in 2014. The JDU,
on the other hand, is a bunch of sticks tied together sans common ideology,
and was separately nowhere near the numbers of the BJP.
That's how it flowed at the start and then the tide went out on the BJP and
it is dropping to bronze position.
We can now project two scenarios in the fallout.
] Prime Minister Narendra Modi. AP In the first, Prime Minister Narendra
Modi Modi is going to realise that all his ducks are not in a row and this
communal colouring will fade away... thankfully. It simply has to. Religion
does not work as a campaign issue. And Indians don't like not be made
afraid. We will have a prime minister who is human again and not
invincible. That will be good for the country at large and Modi will be
compelled to get rid of the deadwood, the noisy wood and drop the loony
fringe that has been given far too much rope. He will also have to listen
to the voices of relative sanity that have been muted
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why Narendra Modi will emer...
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courtesy the adulation showered on Modi. And he can now lead from the front
without being the unquestioned icon.
Five days from now he will be in the UK basking in the warm glow of hero
worship. That display will now not sit well with the country. Forget all
the NRI stuff  and come home!
It is in that way, a healthy defeat. The attention given to beef politics,
communalism, Hindutva and the personal assaults by goon squads should
reduce dramatically.
Think of it this way. If the BJP had won, the future could have been
arrogantly bleak and this kick in the butt was needed. Now, we can have a
real Modi and a marriage between the people and the government, not an
assault on our secularism. Also, he will no longer keep silent when his
frontline makes stupid remarks. On the contrary, the gurus, yogis,
charlatans, religious kooks and motormouths like VK Singh and Mahesh Sharma
will skulk away in the dark and should stay there.
So, while Modi and company might actually put their house in order, the
Alliance has to test its mettle and its tensile strength might well depend
on the Congress holding just enough seats to act as a selfindulgent spoilt
child - conduct it has displayed frequently after being booted out of
power. Are we going to see the sticks fall apart and Lalu Yadav flex muscle
and turn the result into a farce as the disparate elements jockey for power?
Certainly, Nitish Kumar is the ‘undisputed' leader for now, but he is in
bed with Lalu and the cat at the feet is a Gandhi-led Congress which has
found its way back into having a say. This trinity in the aftermath does
not inspire confidence, and tawdry scenes of politicking and infighting are
pretty much on the cards. One cannot see Lalu being silent and letting the
power bus go past without wresting the wheel. Equally, the Congress is
hardly likely to take a backseat amid its shrilly triumphant interpretation
of its dozen seats.
In the coming weeks, this ball of wool may well unravel and Modi will
exploit that to great advantage.
Why do I feel that Modi will have the last laugh? In this defeat, there is
the seed of a victory for the country.

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