Title: Message

The Hague Tribunal has imposed a severe reprimand on former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic for giving a telephone interview to the US television network Fox from his cell in the Hague prison (is was his first interview after being put into custody). Earlier, the judges expressed their “dissatisfaction” with the fact that
the former Yugoslav leader, with the help of his brother Borislav, had had a telephone talk with leader of the Communist Party of Russia Gennady Zyuganov and other Russian communists. Under the Tribunal’s Charter, persons kept in prison are only allowed to talk with relatives on the telephone, but may not talk and give interviews to third persons.
Certainly, Mr. Milosevic has apologised to the Tribunal for violating strict prison rules, asserting he has been ignorant of them, and promised to behave himself and never do it again in the future.
In his interview to the Fox network, Yugoslavia’s ex-President said he was proud of everything he had done for the protection of his country and his people. According to Mr.,Milosevic, all decisions taken by him were based on the Constitution and the right for self-defence. Mr. Milosevic also said that he had not had given orders to his troops to kill civilians and that the international tribunal was just making up evidence against him.
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