Although Reuters is a notorious anti-Serbian Orwellian NWO's loudspeaker,
below I anyway post its description of the of the situation in connection
with kidnapping of Mr. Milosevic. Although I do not share Mr. Milosevic's
political views, I feel what is happening to him is little more than an
ordinary NATO/Neue Welt Ordnung lynch party. No American, no Serb, no honest
human being should be a willing party to it, and should do anything possible
to return him to his country.

Wednesday July 11 6:35 AM ET

Diaspora to Defend 'Innocent' Milosevic -Backers
By Andrew Gray

BELGRADE (Reuters) - A member of Slobodan Milosevic's
international support committee said he is innocent of
any crimes, evidence of mass graves is dubious and
Serbs worldwide are ready to help defend him from a
NATO ``lynching.''

Christopher Black, a Canadian lawyer who met the
former Yugoslav president in jail this week, says the
committee plans a series of public events to highlight
what it sees as the gross injustice of Milosevic's
detention on war crimes charges.

``We are hoping to organize publicity campaigns,
cultural campaigns -- all sorts of methods to raise
public consciousness about what's really going on,''
Black told Reuters on Tuesday evening after arriving
in Belgrade to meet Milosevic supporters.

Black, 51, described Milosevic as ``in good spirits''
and in no way suicidal during their talks on legal
strategy on Monday at the U.N. war crimes tribunal's
jail in The Hague.

The lawyer said members of the 60,000-strong Serb
community in his own home city of Toronto had already
offered support for the campaign backing Milosevic,
charged with responsibility for mass killings and
expulsions of ethnic Albanians in Kosovo.

``Even those who hate him have, through contacts,
contacted me and said they're disgusted by him being
handed over and they're willing to fund his defense,''
he said. ``And that's common in Australia and the
United States.''

The International Committee to Defend Slobodan
Milosevic was formed on March 24 this year, exactly
two years after NATO launched its air war against
Yugoslavia with the declared aim of ending Serb
repression of ethnic Albanians in Kosovo province.

Founded by opponents of the bombing shortly before his
arrest in a domestic corruption investigation, the
committee is now focusing on the trial Milosevic faces
in The Hague since his transfer there last month by
the reformers who ousted him.


The committee sees Milosevic's indictment as part of a
NATO effort to justify its bombing campaign, during
which the bloody upheaval in Kosovo's conflict reached
its peak, and punish the former president for daring
to challenge the might of the West.

Milosevic has refused to recognize the authority of
the U.N. tribunal and has not engaged any defense
counsel. Tribunal judges have entered a plea of not
guilty on his behalf.

``He's determined to fight NATO wherever he is,''
Black said. ''I think he wins no matter what. This
man's being railroaded. We haven't seen any evidence
and no one else has. He's not guilty of anything.''

British playwright Harold Pinter is among those on the
committee, which Black said he believed now included
around 200 academics, politicians, journalists,
lawyers and others.

The committee Web site ( under the
banner ``Free Slobodan Milosevic!!!'' claims the
support of ``600 personalities from 30 countries.'' It
lists around 70 people who are actually members from
countries from Russia to the United States.

Black dismissed much of the material offered to
justify Milosevic's indictment and transfer to The
Hague, such as the recent discovery of several mass
graves inside Serbia proper believed to be filled with
the bodies of Kosovo Albanians.

``We've been hearing stories about mass graves since
the start of the (Balkan) wars and every time you
examine those alleged mass graves... they just
disappear,'' he said, appearing to take issue with the
widely accepted findings of many investigators and
forensic experts over the past decade.

He claimed rallies in support of Milosevic in Belgrade
had attracted far more people than the few thousand
estimated by widely respected local and international
media organizations.

``It's just a bunch of lies,'' he said of the media

The lawyer, who is already defending a Rwandan general
accused of genocide at another U.N. tribunal, met
Milosevic in The Hague for about an hour and a half on

He said talk the ex-president might commit suicide --
as both his parents did -- was Western propaganda.
``Any rumors of him being suicidal are absolute
nonsense and a plant, in case they try to eliminate
him some other way,'' he said.
International gangsters - hands off Yugoslavia!
Medjunarodni gangsteri - dalje ruke od Jugoslavije!


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