AFI Research & Armed Forces Intelligence  
NATO's divisive influence on the Balkans

In the euphoria that followed the collapse of Soviet communism in 1991,
certain Western countries, in particular Helmut Kohl's Germany, openly
encouraged the break-up of the Yugoslav Federation, indeed starting a
process that has lead to a massive and divisive NATO involvement in the
Balkans that has now cost the Western nations tens of billions of
dollars and seen the bloody disintegration of a relatively prosperous
Yugoslavia into a number of weak and impoverished nations.

Croatia and Bosnia, in particular have gained a sort of political
freedom, but at the cost of countless lives, the misery of being
refugees in your own land, the destruction of much of the nations
infrastructure and the continuing depredations of widespread poverty,
while Serbia has been devastated for trying to maintain the sovereignty
of its own country and now in a move that brings dread to the
experienced Balkan watcher, NATO has through its abject unwillingness to
deal effectively with widespread Albanian terrorism and gang-warfare,
extended its baleful influence to Macedonia.

Ten long years of NATO involvement has brought unmitigated disaster to
the Balkans and its wilful behaviour has been more akin to the arsonist
who having kindled the fire returns in a fireman's uniform to control
the blaze. NATO, like it or not has become the defining influence on the
new Europe and it is by and large an unhappy one.  The Balkans have been
damned by NATO intentions, whether described as humanitarian aid or
peacekeeping operations. Well, the road to hell was paved by good

These pathetic laments that issue from NATO headquarters or from
Bonn/Berlin, London and Washington DC every time a short-term
peacekeeping operation turns into a long-term military commitment must
appear increasingly at odds with the truth to the people of the Balkan
nations. How can the destruction of a nation beloved by generations of
tourists, the deaths of tens of thousands of civilians, millions more
turned into refugees,while the towns and countryside are laid waste and
with much of the blame resting in decisions taken a decade ago in
foreign capitals, be considered 'humanitarian', let alone peace-keeping?

Without doubt, individual NATO units have performed some stirling work
trying to douse the fires, but who lit them? and who by inept diplomacy,
political expediency and much covert action, pushed nation after nation
into those fires? First Croatia and Bosnia, then Serbia & Kosovo, and
now poor Macedonia. If this is NATO's idea of bringing aid & comfort to
the war-torn, then many a nation will be fervently hoping to be left
alone to die in peace.

Dr James Hawker

Notes from the front-line

As NATO troops enter yet another potential Balkan minefield  with the
intention of disarming the local Albanian separatists, like some macabre
auction the NLA offer up 2500 weapons, the Macedonian Government demand
8000, while NATO itself would probably call it 'an outstanding example
of its positive role for peace' if it were to collected a mere 5000.  

The Balkans are actually awash with military small arms, probably as
many as 400,000 are in circulation and large quantities could be quickly
made available to the NLA from their co-religionists in Albania and
Kosovo. So NATO, unless it intends this operation to become yet another
long-term deployment, is simply kidding itself and the Western press, if
it thinks 5000 or even 10,000 weapons will make the slightest
difference. Unless disarming the NLA is backed up with verifiable
demobilization and rehabilitation of the separatists, with genuine
social and political change in Macedonia and a settlement agreeable to
all sides in this conflict, a resurgent and embittered Albanian
community could be rearmed within a week.

Richard M. Bennett

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