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"The House Ways and Means Committee, on a voice vote, endorsed Bush's 
decision to renew normal trade relations with  China despite recent tensions 
over the downing of a U.S. spy plane and concern about Beijing's human rights 
record. "

 <A HREF="aol://4344:30.L100cmWl.344962.679448922"> 07/12: US House panel 
backs China normal trade relations</A> 
US House panel backs China normal trade relations

WASHINGTON, July 12 (Reuters) - A key committee in the U.S. House of 
Representatives on Thursday voted to approve President George W. Bush's 
decision to extend normal trade relations to China for an additional year, 
but rejected a bid to give Cuba the same treatment. 

The House Ways and Means Committee, on a voice vote, endorsed Bush's decision 
to renew normal trade relations with  China despite recent tensions over the 
downing of a U.S. spy plane and concern about Beijing's human rights record. 

The committee action sets the stage for the full House to vote on the measure 
before the August congressional recess. 

Last year, both the House and the Senate approved a bill to end the annual 
review process of China's trade status and establish "permanent normal trade 

But that hinged on China's entry into the World Trade Organization under 
terms as least as good as those it negotiated with the United States in a 
1999 bilateral pact. 

When China failed to enter the WTO by June, Bush faced the issue of whether 
to extend normal trade relations for an additional year. His decision to do 
that set the stage for one last fight in Congress on the issue. 

China is expected to complete its nearly 15-year bid to join the WTO later 
this year or early next year. 

Key Democrats, while supporting Bush's action, made clear they expected China 
to improve its human rights record and reduce its huge trade deficit with the 
United States. 

"We need not only to engage (with) China, but to pressure them," said Rep. 
Sander Levin, a Michigan Democrat. 

Along those lines, a U.S. watchdog commission on China established by last 
year's PNTR legislation should begin operation this month, he said. 

Rep. Charles Rangel of New York, top Democrat on the Ways and Means 
Committee, used the vote on China's trade status to push for an end to the 
four-decade-old U.S. embargo on Cuba. 

"I don't see why it makes any sense for the United States to trade with 
communist China, with communist Vietnam, with communist North Korea and still 
not trade with Cuba," he said. 

By a vote of 16-22, committee Republicans defeated an effort by Rangel to tie 
the panel's endorsement of normal trade relations with China to a similar 
measure for Cuba.  

19:48 07-12-01

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