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----- Original Message -----
From: secr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2001 10:56 AM
Subject: [mobilize-globally] Anti-WEF-protests in Salzburg, Once again police

         [UK_Left_Network] Anti-WEF-protests in Salzburg, Once again
police repression...
         Wed, 04 Jul 2001 08:52:36 -0000

Anti-WEF-protests in Salzburg
Once again police repression...

by our correspondents in Salzburg, 2 July 2001

On Sunday, 1st of July, the World Economic Forum (WEF) started its
European Summit in Salzburg, Austria. The list of the 1000 members of
the WEF is something like the "who's who" of the biggest and most
powerful corporations like McDonald's, Monsanto, Nike, Shell, Coca
Cola or Microsoft.

This year the WEF wants to discuss mainly the question of the further
enlargement of the European Union towards the east of the continent
and the process of capitalist transformation in Eastern Europe.
Together with the Austrian government the WEF invited the political
elite of nearly all the countries of Eastern Europe. The idea of the
WEF lies exactly in building and deepening channels of communication
between the capitalist corporations and governments and state
officials to solve political and economic problems in the interest of
these corporations.

After the protests in Seattle, Prague, Davos or Gothenburg this WEF
summit in Salzburg was a unique occasion to build the anticapitalist
movement also in Austria. Salzburg will become part of the
anticapitalist Summer, following on from the protests in Gothenburg
and Barcelona and in anticipation of the G8-demonstration in Genoa,

The police had been preparing for months. Since April it had been
clear that the police would bring some 4000 policemen to Salzburg to
protect the WEF. In the media there has been an unprecedented
virulent campaign against the planned protests presenting everybody
who wanted to go to Salzburg to protest as "anarchist terrorists".
After the bloody events in Gothenburg this campaign reached
hysterical levels, totally out of proportion from the real situation
on the ground. The anarchist groups in Austria are very small and do
not even have the forces to challenge the police. And it was
extremely unlikely that there would be bigger and more experienced
groups coming from Germany or Italy who would be prepared for an open
street battle with the police.

Although it was clear to everybody that there would not be more than
some 2000 people on the demonstration against the WEF, the police had
forbidden all the planned demonstrations except for a rally in front
of the station. Initially, they had even proposed to the Communist
Party to hold the rally in the stadium!

The balance of forces was absolutely in favour of the police. The
media campaign led many people to stay at home. The OGB (Austrian
Trade Union Council) refused to mobilise against the WEF. The trade
unions only agreed to support the counter summit organised by ATTAC.
All attempts to organise special trains paid by the unions failed.
The lack of mobilisation on the part of the OGB left the radical left-
wing groups isolated. However, this did not stop them from going
ahead with their strategy of seeking clashes with the police. Their
main aim was to prevent the WEF summit by all means necessary and
without taking into account the numerical superiority of the police -
not to mention that the police was well equipped and prepared for an
open street battle.

Already on the train our delegation from the Young Socialists was
checked by the police. Arriving at the station it was full of
policemen. The whole town was like a militarised zone. The police
carried out several acts of provocation several times. One journalist
from Germany was arrested and his material destroyed.

Nevertheless on Saturday evening we decided to occupy a McDonald's
restaurant to show our symbolic protest against corporate greed and
exploitation. Of course it wasn't only the journalists that came, but
also lots of police. When we left the restaurant the police prevented
us from going back to the station to join a demonstration which had
come to show their solidarity with us. The police surrounded our
demonstration and forced us then to leave under their directions.

On Sunday we participated in the demonstration with our own bloc with
some 150 comrades. There was a very militant mood in our delegation
singing revolutionary songs, putting forward slogans against the WEF,
against capitalism and for our democratic rights. We were very well
organised with affinity groups formed of six comrades who knew each
other very well, walking in chains and who elected one comrade as
their steward; when we were marching all the stewards formed another
cordon around the whole bloc.

When we arrived at the station where the demonstration should have
been held the police opened up and some 1000 people started an
unauthorised demonstration which was accepted by the police. Later on
it was clear that this was part of the strategy of the police to
repress the protests in the small streets in the inner city where it
was easier for them to control the whole situation. The police were
afraid of provoking an open battle in the big square in front of the

The anarchists and the "Linkswende" (the Austrian equivalent of the
British SWP) tried to split our bloc with the aim of forcing our
people to join the spontaneous demonstration as individuals. This was
stopped by our stewards. Afterwards when we managed to reorganise our
bloc we decided to follow the demonstration. First we were stopped by
the police, but then we found a way of leaving the square. After some
two km (without seeing any police) we found the other demonstration
and we joined them. However, then the police started to control the
demonstration and tried to close all the streets so that nobody could
leave the demonstration anymore.

Then there was an escalation when the anarchists and "Linkswende"
made an attempt to smash through the police lines. From this point on
the police stopped the demonstration with extreme brutality. Finally
they had an excuse to smash the demonstration. Although we were
marching without using any violence at all, we were attacked by
policemen with riot batons and shields. One of our comrades got
injured. Only the fact that we had a very well organised bloc made it
possible to avoid more injuries and panic, which was very important
because many of our comrade had never been in such a difficult
situation of being confronted with open police repression.

After some minutes the police managed to stop the demonstration and
to form a pocket around us. To stop them from closing the pocket even
more and to show that we did not want to provoke further violence our
whole bloc sat down on the street linked up in chains.

The demonstration had clearly been defeated. Within the demonstration
there was no co-ordination at all, and no leadership. In this
situation we took the decision to come to an agreement with the
police in order to leave the demonstration with the whole YS
delegation, taking with us some unorganised people. This was accepted
by the police.

Back at the station we held a solidarity demonstration with those
still surrounded by the police and sent a small delegation to talk to
the police to free the whole demonstration (some 400 people from the
Communist Party, anarchists, "trotskyists",...). These talks
collapsed after two hours. The police didn't let them go before
11.30pm. People had no water, and could not go to the toilet for 6
hours (!). The police brought a group of dogs, and attacked the
demonstration several times and operated with all sorts of psycho-

Around midnight everybody was brought to the station where a special
train for Vienna was waiting. Even people from Germany had to use
this train to leave Salzburg.

Around 30 of our comrades remained in Salzburg to await the rest of
the demo and to show our solidarity.

As we mentioned above, for months the media and the police have been
talking of violent protests in Salzburg, criminalising the
anticapitalist movement right from the beginning. All the reports we
have together with our own experience have shown that the police were
just waiting for a possibility to repress the demonstration. The
media (not only the yellow press but also the liberal papers!) had
prepared the ground for this state repression with lies and slander.

The spontaneous character of the demonstration (which corresponds to
the political ideas of the anarchists and the "Linkswende" who want
to show everybody the ugly face of the state apparatus, but without
taking into account the real balance of forces) made it very easy for
them to "justify" their repression of the demonstration. By the
manner in which this demonstration was organised and led by the above
mentioned groups it was clear to everybody that sooner or later it
would all end up in disaster. This brutal repression was a heavy blow
for many activists. Lacking any alternative this will strengthen so-
called "radical" ideas within the movement. The "Linkswende" is the
best example of how a group with, supposedly, "trotskyist" traditions
can end up in the blind alley of "semi-anarchism". They tried to
build the anticapitalist movement in a purely empirical fashion,
expressing themselves in a completely opportunistic manner towards
the "greens" or some "left-wing" trade union bureaucrat one day, and
in a completely sectarian way the next.

The events in Salzburg have proved the correctness of the Marxist
analysis we put forward in our paper and on our web site: without a
clear orientation towards the labour movement this movement will have
no future. The police is too strong and too well equipped for us to
be able to win an open battle in the attempt to prevent these
institutions from holding their summits.

Let's turn to the labour movement. Let's build the struggle against
cuts in the education system, against the dismantling of the social
security system, against privatisation and against all the bosses'
attacks on our living standards. Let's build a strong anticapitalist
force in the factories, in the schools and the universities. Let's
build a strong Marxist tendency in the labour movement and within the

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