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----- Original Message -----
From: SolidNet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2001 9:51 PM
Subject: CP of Greece, Appeal: Barcelona, Genova, Saltzbourg
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          CP of Greece, Appeal: Barcelona, Genova, Saltzbourg
           From: Communist Youth of Greece, Tue, 26 Jun 2001
                  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ,

Dear Comrades

We send you attached the common appeal of 15 communist youth
organizations from Europe for the mobilizations of Barcelona, the World
Economic Forum in Salzburg and the G8 Meeting in Genova.


 The social, economical and cultural reality young people are suffering,
demands a firm reply and not half words. Today, young people can
evaluate the results of a social system that recognises one law: the law
of the maximum profit; one right: the right of the multinationals to
exploit; of a system that has identity and name: capitalism.

Today, thousands of reasons have accumulated for taking part in the
struggle between two worlds, the one of the exploiters and the one of
the exploited. The operation of organisations dominated by the large
imperialist powers such as the "G8", the WTO, the IMF and the World
Bank, NATO and the EU, the theories and the even more reactionary
policies implemented by our governments in the name of the
"globalization" make the rich richer and the poor poorer and intensify
the degree of exploitation of the working class.  This is why we link
our everyday struggle and demands with the struggle against these
institutions, with the struggle against imperialism

 We think that time has come for our generation who don’t receive
nothing but exploitation and exclusion, to demand changes which will
guarantee our dignity that is being trampled. We pretend to educate
ourselves in the principles of the oppressed class, which aspires to
emancipate. The class of those of us who only own our working force, we
are workers.

 We believe necessary in the impulse of the youth movement, which should
article through direct participation the collective struggle for a
honourable life and participate in the construction of a society without
exploitation man by man.

 An honourable life doesn’t mean the capacity to consume, it means the
development of humans condition through socialising spaces, free and
direct participation, justice, distribution of work and wealth, around
the values of solidarity, collectivism, social property and
internationalism. Defending the creative free time, the right of
education, artistic and cultural creation, participative sport, nature,
and the peace among people. All in all, a New World built up above the
ashes of the WB, IMF, WTO, EU and NATO.

 We claim ourselves young communists and we have our own organizations;
we decide to learn fighting. We make closer our fraternal links under
the slogan of the Communist Manifest " Workers in all countries,
unite!"; we are linked fraternally in the struggle of all the young
people world-wide demanding our right in a life with rights. We aspire
to overcome this stage of owners’ civilisation, in order to open a human
being’s civilisation.

 The so called political, social, economical and cultural "new model"
which pretends to represent neoliberalism, is based on a brutal cutting
of human rights in order to reduce human life to the condition of
merchandise, in a system in which "stocks" are thrown to the sea or
burned in the incinerators.

 We do not ask just for a "different" world of exploitation; we are
struggling for a socialist world. This is why we insist fighting in our
countries, against our governments, for the overthrown of the dominant
policies and forces. We do believe that the importance of our everyday
struggle in our countries is been increased, as it does the need of
linking these struggles together in order to built up a common strategy
against the common strategy of big capital and imperialism.

We are going to paint together a red block, the colour of workers
dignity, which will make visible the collective identity of the 21st
century’s working class, facing the world-wide power of capital. We will
march together in Barcelona, Salzburg and Genoa, as we do everyday while
we co-ordinate our common struggles and demands against our common
enemies.  We will be one more voice of the popular chorus, which claims
for emancipation and articles the resistance against the aggressions of
financial capital.

We firmly believe in the need of the impulse of participation spaces and
nets of the youth movement, which could weave experiences of the
collective struggle. Revolutionary change of the society is not only
still being possible but also being necessary, and revolution is being
prepared everyday  "with our modest efforts", with the militant effort
of all of us; hitting together we can do nothing but win

UJCE Spain                           KNE Greece          CYL Finland
CJC Catalonia                       JCP Portugal         EDON Cyprus
SKMRF Russian Federation  SDAJ Germany      KSM Check Republic
KPiD youth Denmark             NKU Norway          SIP Turkey
YCL Britain                            KJO Austria           SKOJ

International Department of KNE
Communist Youth of Greece
11, Kotopouli str - Athens 10432
tel: +301-5282523 / fax: +301-5241526

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