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BUSH: Moscow is not a question of if, but of when.
(Paraphrased for the sake of clarity)

Thursday June 14, 8:31 PM
NATO commits to eastward enlargement in 2002
BRUSSELS, June 14 (AFP) - 
This week's NATO summit in Brussels sent a strong
signal to nine ex-communist states lined up to join
the alliance that they can expect their invitations
for membership on schedule next year.
Speaking here after the summit of NATO's 19 heads of
state and government, the alliance secretary general,
George Robertson, said more countries would be
admitted at the next summit in Prague in November
"Heads of state and government decided today that the
'zero option' (of inviting no candidate country to
join the alliance) is off the table," he told
reporters, suggesting that at least one country would
become a member.
But he stressed that the onus remains on the candidate
states to bring their young democracies, their
free-market economies and their erstwhile Soviet-era
armed forces up to NATO standards.
"No decisions were taken, and we did not discuss any
question of who might be invited to join NATO in the
future," he said.
"Those countries which join NATO must be contributors
of security, as well as consumers of security," he
Waiting in line are Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia,
Slovakia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania, Macedonia and
Albania. The first former Soviet bloc states to join
NATO, in March 1999, were Hungary, Poland and the
Czech Republic.
Czech President Vaclav Havel has been one of the few
to specify who might be chosen.
Havel affirmed there is a "general consensus" to
invite Slovakia and Slovenia to join, and that
"opinion to propose the adhesion of the three Baltic
states," was popular among members.
The declarations were welcomed with a certain sense of
relief by the candidates.
That puts an "end to diverse speculation about opening
the Alliance to a new enlargement," said Slovakia's
foreign minister in reaction to Robertson's
Slovakia welcomed the comments as "particularly
encouraging". For Bratislava, the Prague summit now
becomes a "historic occasion" for which "the
accomplishment is fully within its hands," the
minister said.
Estonian Defence Minister Juri Luik was more
circumspect. He said NATO and the EU should have
included new members long before planned expansion
dates to better shape common values between the East
and West.
"We have reached a stage in which we ask -- have we
done everything to uphold joint values," Luik said at
the close of a NATO Partnership for Peace conference
in Tartu on Wednesday.
"The clear answer is no. It means both NATO and the EU
should have accepted new members earlier," he said,
according to a defence ministry statement.
NATO's eastward enlargement will be the central theme
of a visit to Warsaw by US President George W. Bush on
Friday. Before his first official European tour began,
Bush said the US firmly supported NATO expansion.
He said enlargement was not a question of if, just a
question of when, but he has not yet endorsed inviting
new members next year.
According to analysts, Bush could ease his problems
with European allies over his controversial missile
shield and environment policies by committing to NATO
The Baltic states especially will be looking for a
strong statement from him that the US rejects Russian
objections to their joining the alliance.
Several NATO members are believed to be reluctant to
antagonize Moscow by taking in the three countries
that the Soviet Union occupied after World War 
However Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov admitted
in May that Moscow does not have "a right of veto"
over the alliance's plans.

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