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Milosevic to find Yugoslavia remade in Hague prison

By Dragana Dardic

BOSANSKI SAMAC, Bosnia, July 1 (Reuters) - Slobodan Milosevic will find his 
Dutch prison offers the multi-ethnic camaraderie of the old Yugoslavia he did 
so much to destroy, says a Bosnian Serb war crimes indictee awaiting trial. 
In an ironic twist Milosevic is unlikely to relish, the ex-Yugoslav 
president, currently being held in isolation, will eventually share 
confinement with several dozen Serbs, Croats and Muslims accused of war 
crimes that his policies inspired. 

"It reminds me of the old Yugoslav National Army," said Simo Zaric, a Bosnian 
Serb who spent 26 months in The Hague remand centre before being released to 
await trial at home. 

In Communist days, all Yugoslav men did national service, and were 
deliberately sent far from their homes to break down ethnic loyalty. Army 
units were of mixed nationality to ensure fidelity to the old Yugoslav motto 
of "Brotherhood and Unity." 

"Solidarity among Serb, Croat and Muslims is unreserved. We never had an 
argument of any kind," said Zaric on Sunday in his home town in 
Serb-controlled northern Bosnia, where he is alleged to have carried out 
vicious ethnic cleansing of Muslims. 

Zaric said he was looking forward to meeting Milosevic when he returns for 
trial in September but would not be starstruck. "Milosevic will need a few 
days to realise where he is and to accept it," said Zaric. "But I am 
convinced he will know how to adapt and to get to know the other inmates." 

Milosevic, the first former head of state to face trial for crimes committed 
while in office, was extradited to The Hague on Thursday, and is being kept 
alone and under close watch lest he try to take his own life and deprive 
prosecutors of their day in court. 

A convivial atmosphere of shared meals, coffee, and satellite television in 
his native tongue await the banker- turned-warlord when his guardians decide 
he is stable enough to mix with the others. 


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