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[The new spin coming out of Brussels and major NATO
nations' capitals, as evidenced in the Reuters report
below, is that the KLA/NLA is attempting to manipulate
the major NATO powers into supporting its designs to
divide Macedonia, preparatory to breaking away from
Skopje altogether.
George Robertson, Javier Solana and the other war
criminals who did something almost identical in Kosovo
in 1999, are cast in the role of trusting naifs who
have been duped by the wily Albanian separatists
they've worked in unison with for over three years.
That this is simply preparing the groundwork for what
NATO has intended all along - the military occupation
of more of the Southern Balkans, the consolidation of
its position of 'indispensible peacemaker/peacekeeper'
- is not only indisputable, but a replay of what it
did two years ago.
For a keen insight into how the major NATO powers hide
behind the facade of feigning to be innocent dupes of
ther own creation, see the invaluable analysis by list
member Jared Israel,
"Washington: Parent Of The Taliban And The Colombian
Death Squads," at the URL immediately below. With the
necessary adaptations the same model applies to the
Balkans in general, Macedonia in particular.]
[Emperor's Clothes]
by Jared Israel [5 June 2001]

June 21, 2001
West Seeks to Salvage Macedonia Peace Talks
By Philippa Fletcher
SKOPJE (Reuters) - Western envoys weighed in on
Thursday to try salvage peace talks in Macedonia amid
suspicions among diplomats that Albanian politicians
may be seeking to draw in NATO to police a partition
of the fragile country.
NATO special envoy Peter Feith was in the capital
Skopje and the European Union's Foreign Affairs chief
Javier Solana decided to make a flying visit after
Macedonian President Boris Trajkovski said the
week-long talks were ``totally deadlocked.创
Diplomats said Macedonian and ethnic Albanian
negotiators had agreed to resume talks on Thursday
evening on finding a way to persuade ethnic Albanian
rebels who have taken control of territory in the
north of Macedonia to lay down their weapons.
But despite heavy Western pressure, which continued at
a dinner hosted by Trajkovski on Wednesday evening,
the Albanians were sticking to demands for radical
constitutional changes which diplomats said amounted
to a federalization of the state.
``There is no one in the international community who
thinks their position is reasonable,创 said a
diplomatic source.
``If they think we are going to help them create a
federal Macedonia they should think again.创
The rebels, who took up arms four months ago, say they
only want to improve the rights of Macedonia's
Albanian minority.
But the diplomat said the Albanian politicians, by
demanding a veto for the one-third minority on all key
government decisions, may be trying to stall the talks
beyond the end of a cease-fire due to last until next
Their aim could be to persuade NATO, which ordered
preparations for a limited operation in Macedonia once
a peace deal is done, to intervene to separate the two
sides, knowing that it is desperate to prevent another
all-out Balkan war.
``There磗 a suspicion that that磗 what they
play for time to get NATO in there to police the
demarcation lines, and we are making it crystal clear
that that is not going to happen,创 he said. ``That磗
why (NATO Secretary-General George) Robertson sent the
second letter.创
The letter, sent to Trajkovski on Wednesday after NATO
ambassadors in Brussels agreed the outlines of an
operation involving about 3,000 troops, underlines
that there must be a durable cease-fire before there
can be a NATO force.
``The mandate of a possible NATO operation would be
confined to the collection of weapons and the forces
would deploy for a limited duration,创 it said.
``Under no circumstances will we allow the mission of
this force to be expanded or altered.创
The leader of the biggest Albanian party, Arben
Xhaferi, rejected allegations his side was seeking to
split the country and reiterated demands for
international mediation.
``I want to make it clear that we haven磘 demanded
federalization of Macedonia,创 he told Zeri newspaper
in the neighboring mainly Albanian Serbian province of
Kosovo. 创But we demanded that, without
federalization, certain mechanisms be found to defend
Albanian interests, interests that were extremely
marginalized in the past,创 he said.
Another Albanian politician, speaking on condition of
anonymity, went further, threatening to quit a new
all-party government unless the international
community helped persuade the Macedonians to give the
Albanians more political rights.
``If we don磘 see serious engagement by the
international community and if the Macedonian side
continues discussions in such a frivolous way we will
have no choice but to withdraw from the unity
government and the Macedonian parliament.创
Trajkovski, who is under pressure from other
Macedonian politicians to abandon the talks and crack
down on the rebels, has so far rejected international
mediation, fearing the Albanian side could exploit it
to maximize its demands.
(with additional reporting by Shaban Buza in Pristina)

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