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[Via Communist Internet... ]
.US missile test denounced by Vietnam Peace CommitteeThe Vietnam Peace
Committee has denounced the United States for a recent missile test as a
danger to the current global structure of nuclear weapons disarmament, thus
threatening to create a new arms race in the world.

The committee said in a statement: "The United States' intercept test on
July 15 as part of its national missile defence move has threatened to break
the current global structure of non-proliferation and disarmament of nuclear
weapons, which was built on principles of the anti-ballistic missile treaty
signed by the United States and the former Soviet Union in 1972. The test
runs counter to the trend for peace and co-operation of the time and does
nothing to promote world peace and security, and it will pose a danger of
creating an arms race in the world."

"The Vietnam Peace Committee and the Vietnamese people, together with
peace-loving people the world over strongly denounce this action. The
Vietnam Peace Committee will continue with peace activities to contribute to
the struggle for a complete disarmament, particularly of nuclear weapons,"
the statement concluded. (VNA)


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