I wrote earlier:

> In short my problem is:
>  - I've dropped struts-example.war from the 1.0
>    struts binary into /usr/share/java/webapps/
>    (which is the webapp dir of debian)
>  - I've restarted tomcat
>  - I've added a JkMount for /struts-example/*.do
>    to httpd.conf (just after including tomcat-auto)
>  - I've restarted apache

> The webapp works fine directly against the HTTP server
> of tomcat.  But it doesn't work, or only sort of work,
> when going through apache.

> What happens is that I get 404 Not Found responses on
> *.do URLs, unless they have a ;jsessionid= in them.

The INSTALL file of 
says to put in the line
        AddHandler jserv-action .do
in httpd.conf, so I did.

When I removed this line, the problems went away,
and the struts-example webapp worked as advertised.

Maybe the text in the INSTALL file should be changed?

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