> Hi, 
> I'm new to Struts and have searched without luck on this one:
> I have an <html:text ...> that I'm simply trying to put a runtime
> expression into, like
> <%
> String rtexpr = "bob";
> %>
> <html:text property="searchType" value="<%=rtexpr %>">
> And instead of interprestting the rtexprvalue "bob", it actually displays
> the string "<%=rtexpr %>" as the value on the screen.  If I just type a
> string into the value field, like this:
> <html:text property="searchType" value="please">
> it works just fine.
> I looked into struts-html.tld and the value parameter of the text tag is
> set up to accept runtime expression values, so I don't know what's going
> wrong.  The really strange and frustrating part is that if I try the line
> I really need to use:
> <html:text property="searchType"
> value="<%=request.getAttribute("searchType") %>">
> The page breaks on this error:
> Attribute searchType has no value
> Totally frustrated:[  I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.  Can anyone
> help?  Thanks!,
> Jim

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