
maybe one should add a ActionForm.init() method (with same parameters as
reset()) which is then called in FormTag.doStartTag() whenever it creates
a new ActionForm instance? This would not break existing code and would
help those who would like do some initialization (I'm one of them, too).

What do you think?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Cook, Levi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 11:53 PM
Subject: RE: Calling ActionForm.reset() from <html:form> when creating a

> I agree that breaking the 1.0 code-base would be a bad thing.
> However, I believe the 1.0 release should be as "correct" as possible.
> Following my own definition of "correct", and recognizing that Struts
> openly claims Beta status I believe this feature should be included.
> Following Roland, I have trouble imagining a scenario where this
> should cause problems. Basically, you know that the framework invokes
> your forms reset method, therefore you need to make sure it represents
> the state you intend. If someone has another scenario, please chime in.
> Regards,
> Levi Cook
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Roland Huss [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 4:27 PM
> > Subject: Re: Calling ActionForm.reset() from <html:form> when
> > creating a
> > bean
> >
> >
> > "Craig R. McClanahan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> > > Bugzilla #2108
> > > asks a very reasonable question -- whey isn't the reset() method
> > > when a new form bean is created in the <html:form> tag?  After all,
> > > controller servlet will always call reset() on the form bean (whether
> > > not it is newly created) before calling populate() to copy the request
> > > parameters.
> >
> > Recently I would indeed have needed this feature to initialize the
> > possible choices for multi-choice select box using <html:options>
> > attribute "property" to return a collection for the multiselect
> > box. But it since it wasn't called upon form creation, the list has
> > never been initialized. My solution was to use the "collection"
> > attribute which takes a collection put into the request by the
> > previous action, which after all was the cleaner solution anyway (no
> > logic within forms !).
> >
> > > This seems like a perfectly reasonable thing to add for 1.1.  My
> question
> > > is, what do folks think about making this change for 1.0 as well?  I'm
> > > more than a little concerned that it would break existing code, but
> > > consistency argument might make doing this worthwile anyway.  (Of
> course,
> > > we would highlight this change in the Release Notes.).
> > >
> > > What do you think?  Should we do this in 1.0 as well?
> >
> > At the moment, I can't imagine any situation where it would harm to
> > call reset() upond form creation (or why it would be reasonable to
> > rely that it is *not* called). So, I would vote to include it in
> > 1.0 as well....
> >
> > cu...
> > --
> > ...roland huss
> >              consol.de
> >

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