
  I would like to use <logic:iterate> tag to print out an ArrayList of
ArrayLists, Each ArrayList is a ROW from a ResultSet.
  My code snippet looks something like this...

  <logic:iterate  id="element" name="cataloginfo"  indexId="index" ><br>
   <logic:iterate id="alement" name="element"  >
            <bean:write name="alement" /> 

   * ) catalogInfo is a java.util.ArrayList which has java.util.ArrayList
instances as elements....

  When I try to run it it fails with this error 
 javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot create iterator for this collection
l.java:463) at org.apache.jsp.Catalog$jsp._jspService(Catalog$jsp.java:712)
at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(HttpJspBase.java:107) at

  IN a Nut Shell, I need to print a ResultSet in a Tabular format using
<logic:iterate> tag. Any help in this regard will be greatly appreciated.
  Thanks U all for your time and help.


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