I queryed the bug database and I see 10 or fewer bugs for commons dbcp and
pool. I assume these are the bugs that need to be fixed. But, I have a few

1) When I queried the bug database there were several parameters that I
wasn't sure about... How do I know I am querying the database for the full
list current bugs etc...? Following is my query for dbcp. Is this producing
an honest listing of needed fixes?


2) How do I know which bugs are higher priority. I know that people who
submit them often set the priorities different than the committers would.
So, are the but reports edited to reflect their true priority.

3) How do I know if someone has started working on a patch/fix for a bug

Brandon Goodin

-----Original Message-----
From: Brandon Goodin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 12:02 PM
To: Struts Developers List
Subject: RE: ValidatorLookupDispatchAction or VLDAction

:-D Oh, okay... so we aren't going to get ahead of ourselves? Shucks! I
thought the goal was to get everything done "good enough" and then move on
;-). Thanks for the tip. I will check out the needs in commons.

Brandon Goodin

-----Original Message-----
From: David Graham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 11:25 AM
Subject: RE: ValidatorLookupDispatchAction or VLDAction

>P.S. When will the 2.0 discussions start? I would love to be involved in

If you're anxious to talk about 2.0 why not volunteer some time in the
commons projects we're dependant on so we can finish 1.1?  DBCP and Pool
still need some work.


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