Thanks, Wong.
Please let us know if you ever have a chance to verify your findings
regarding ServletExec, so that they could be included in the "formal"
Any other ServletExec users --- feel free to jump in if you are able to
verify any of these points.
I've been using Struts with New Atlanta ServletExec 3.0E/3.1. Off the
top of my head, the following are the problems:
1) ServletExec cannot seems to locate the property files inside
struts.jar. I'd to extract them from struts.jar and put them in a
struts-resource.jar and add it the ServletExec cl
We now have notes for Orion, Tomcat, Resin, and Weblogic. Similar
instructons for other containers, like Enhydra, JBoss, JRun, and
Websphere, and whatever else anyone is using, would be very much
If you know that Struts won't work with a container, and have a good
explanation as to