Hello Ted,

I post short russian version of your press release to the

Saturday, June 16, 2001, 9:55:06 PM, you wrote:

TH> I put together something in a press release format to distribute to my
TH> local Java Users Group, et cetera. 

TH> Comments? 

TH> --

TH> (June 15, 2001) The production release of Struts 1.0, an open source
TH> framework for building Web applications, is now available for download
TH> at jakarta.apache.org. Struts encourages application architectures based
TH> on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern and provides services common
TH> to most Web applications. Struts helps developers deploy products that
TH> are reliable, scaleable, and easier to maintain. 

TH> The Struts framework offers services in three primary areas: 

TH> * A controller servlet to dispatch requests to specific Action classes
TH> (provided by the application developer). 

TH> * JSP custom tags to help developers create interactive form-based
TH> applications. 

TH> * Utility classes for XML parsing, automatic JavaBean population, and
TH> internationalization of prompts and messages. 

TH> In addition to the Struts official distribution, several third-party
TH> libraries are already available, which offer enhanced support for JSP
TH> templates, HTML form validation, and automatic JavaBean creation. Struts
TH> has also been integrated with the Expresso Framework distributed by
TH> JCorporate Ltd. (jcorporate.com).

TH> Struts can be used with a J2EE Application server to deploy distributed
TH> applications, but will run under any compliant Servlet container
TH> (Servlet API 2.2+, JSP 1.1+), including Tomcat 3.2 or later. In fact,
TH> Struts is already used as an informal compliance test for Java Servlet
TH> containers and J2EE Application servers. 

TH> The Struts project was founded in May 2000 by Craig McClanahan.
TH> McClanahan is also the lead developer of Tomcat 4.0, Sun's reference
TH> implementation for Java Servlet and ServerPage containers. Both Tomcat
TH> and Struts are open source available under the Apache Software License,
TH> and may be downloaded at jakarta.apache.org. 

TH> Twenty-six independant developers contributed to the creation of Struts
TH> 1.0, with the help of over a thousand subscribers to the Struts mailing
TH> lists.

TH> ###

Best regards,
 Oleg                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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