Ted Husted said:
> Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
> > Splitting Tiles and Validator is a little tougher if we go for the
> > previously popular idea of melding all the custom request processor
> > subclasses into a single one (since we don't have multiple inheritance and
> > don't have a decomposition solution yet - which is at least partly my
> > fault).
> Unless someone can show me how Tiles can be used without JSP, I would be
> tend to be -1 on integrating Tiles with the inner core, or making any
> other product changes that imply a specific presentation technology.

Ted, i'd love to hear your thoughts on this:

it's been offered as a contribution to the Velocity-Tools project.  i'm
inclined to take it, but since i've never used Tiles (yet), i'm soliciting
other's opinions/evaluations.   i am a little concerned that some of the Tiles
classes use things in the org.apache.struts.taglib.tiles package (e.g.
ComponentConstants).  once the struts taglibs are separated from the core, i
don't want to keep a dependency on them.

>  I'd be very much in favor of integrating something like Tiles as part
> of the request processor, so long as it is accessible to non-JSP
> technologies. But I'm not sure if we have that now.


Nathan Bubna

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