Re: Problem with html:img.. Please Help !!

2001-08-31 Thread Bar³omiej Paw³owski
Hi Use img src=image.logotop instead of html:img srcKey=/ Bartek Debasish Ghosh wrote: Hi all - This is my second attempt at the problem. I could not fix it. Please help !! I am using Tomcat 3.2.2. When I use an html tag as html:img srcKey=image.logotop/ (I am using Struts), the first

problem with logic:forwrad

2001-08-31 Thread Bar³omiej Paw³owski
Hi all I have a problem with logic:forward In my jsp file are the following lines: logic:notPresent name=profilesSession logic:forward name=indexClient/ /logic:notPresent It causes following exception: javax.servlet.ServletException: Exception forwarding for name indexClient:

why bean:write converts etc?

2001-08-31 Thread Bar³omiej Paw³owski
Hi I have a problem I put in the vector: vector.addElement(bble ble/b); vector.addElement(bble ble/b); request.setAttribute(actList, result); next in the jsp page: logic:iterate id=doc name=actList type=adwokaci.resources.DocumentAttributes bean:write name=doc property=desc/

Problem with html:select multiple=true and enctype=multipart/from-data

2001-08-22 Thread Bar³omiej Paw³owski
Hi everyone I have the following in a form in a jsp: html:form action=/ html:select property=keys style=width: 200px; multiple=true size=5 html:options collection=keysWord property=id labelProperty=val/ /html:select /html:form In ActionFrom I have

Re: how to define a datasource in struts?

2001-08-21 Thread Bar³omiej Paw³owski
Hi, You can do it like that: data-sources data-source set-property property=autoCommit value=false/ set-property property=description value=MySQL/ set-property property=driverClass

test - no need to read

2001-08-14 Thread Bar³omiej Paw³owski

Problem with html:form enctype=multipart/form-data/

2001-08-06 Thread Bar³omiej Paw³owski
Hi again I have created multipart form html:form action=/upload enctype=multipart/form-data html:file property=theFile styleClass=form2/ html:submit/ /html:form When I submit it, I receive following exception: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException at

Re: problem with upload file

2001-08-03 Thread Bar³omiej Paw³owski
Bar³omiej Paw³owski wrote: Thanx, for answer but when I change my form and add enctype='multipart/form-data' I receive another exception: Internal Servlet Error: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException at javax.servlet.http.MultipartHandler.readLine(

Re: problem with upload file

2001-08-03 Thread Bar³omiej Paw³owski
Thanx, for answer but when I change my form and add enctype='multipart/form-data' I receive another exception: Internal Servlet Error: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException at javax.servlet.http.MultipartHandler.readLine( at

problem with FormFile

2001-08-01 Thread Bar³omiej Paw³owski
Hi, I have created file upload.jsp: %@ page contentType=text/html; charset=ISO-8859-2 % %@ page language=java % %@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld prefix=bean % %@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld prefix=html % html:html head meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html;