
Is there a way to insist that a jsessionid _doesn't_ get appended when
returning a redirect from an Action? In my case, I'm redirecting to an
external (non-Java) system and the jsessionid is causing the external system

I have
    return new ActionForward("http://some.external.url/options";, true)
at the end of my execute() method in the Action. This is exactly the URL to
which I want to redirect, but by the time the HTTP response is seen by the
browser, it has a jsessionid on the end:

HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily
Set-Cookie: .....
Location: http://some.external.url/options;jsessionid=foo.bar.com-24%3A3f4

I'm using SunONE v6 web server. I've tried adding this to web-apps.xml:
    <session-tracking use-cookies="true" use-url-rewriting="false" />
but it makes no difference. Interestingly, I can't reproduce the problem
with TomCat (3.3.1a), although I'm not able to engineer exactly the same
environment using TomCat.

One theory I have is that Struts (or SunONE?) is interpreting my redirect as
the first request to a webapp and, since it doesn't know whether cookies
will be accepted, it is using URL rewriting 'just in case'.

Many thanks,


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