
Try this in headerContentFooter.jsp

<tiles:useAttribute id="local_nav_key" name="nav_key" classname="java.lang.String" ignore="true" />
<p>nav_key = <%=local_nav_key%></p>

Here is a good reference for tiles

-chris worley

Hi all, I'm having a problem passing a parameter down from a tiles definition to a jsp. I can access the value easily in the layout definition, but I can't get access to it in a file (or action) I'm inserting into the layout. Here is an example of what I'm doing (cut down a bit)

<definition name="mp.main" path="/tiles/layout/headerContentFooter.jsp">
  <put name="nav_key"    value="mp" type="string"/>
  <put name="content"    value="/" />

<tiles:useAttribute name="nav_key" />
<p>nav_key = <%=nav_key%><p>
<tiles:insert attribute="content" />

<bean:define id="nav_key" name="nav_key" />
<b>nav_key::: <%=nav_key%></b>

So I'm getting an error in samplecontent.jsp that there is no such variable in any scope. How can I get it? I can print out the value fine in the headerContentFooter layout. I also tried adding a <tiles:useAttribute> in samplecontent.jsp to try and get access to the variable but that didn't work either. Any help would be appreciated.


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