Using struts 1.1 I'm able to set a DataSource correctly.
In struts-config.xml I use:

        <set-property property= "autoCommit" value= "false"/>
    <set-property value="true" property="autoCommit" />
    <set-property value="Alnitak Data Source" property="description" />
    <set-property value="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"
property="driverClass" />
    <set-property value="10" property="maxCount" />
    <set-property value="2" property="minCount" />
    <set-property value="GL_DYNAMO" property="user" />
    <set-property value="GL_DYNAMO" property="password" />
    <set-property value="jdbc:oracle:thin:@ALNITAK:1521:GL" property="url"

With struts 1.1. el, I get a startup configuration error  (which blocks the

StandardContext[/rr_lesson_3]: Servlet /rr_lesson_3 threw load() exception:
javax.servlet.ServletException: Servlet.init() for servlet action threw
exception javax.servlet.ServletException: Servlet.init() for servlet action
threw exception

Does anyone know why?
Aldo Funicelli

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