After a week of trying to get iterate to work...I give up.  I tried
bean:define to see what that would do, and get the same error, so it must be
some context that I just don't get. So here I am, desperate and begging to
be put out of my misery!

In my JSP, either of these two lines that try to access the ArrayList from
the bean "InfoBean" from the property "reservationInfo".

    <bean:define id="ReservationArrayList" name="InfoBean"
property="reservationInfo" type="java.util.ArrayList" scope="request" />


    <logic:iterate name="InfoBean" property="reservationInfo"
id="reservationInfo" type="examples.ejb20.titan.common.ReservationInfoBean">

generate an error of:

CabinInfoBean: getReservationInfo called w/ 7 items in list
<Nov 20, 2001 6:19:14 PM EST> <Error> <HTTP>
<[WebAppServletContext(-5682806,titanstruts,/titanstruts)] Root cause of
javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Cannot find bean reservationInfo in scope

I've used InfoBean sucessfully for other simple types properties. Like the
following works fine:

    <jsp:getProperty name="InfoBean" property="name"/>

The bean is of type CabinInfoBean, (excerpt minus constructor and other

    public class CabinInfoBean implements Serializable {
        private ArrayList   m_resInfoList   = null;   // List of

        public ArrayList getReservationInfo () {
            log ("getReservationInfo called w/ " + m_resInfoList.size() + "
items in list");
            return m_resInfoList;

My action sets CabinInfoBean...

    request.setAttribute("InfoBean", results);

where results is a CabinInfoBean.

Suggestions?  (45, 38 or 357?)

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