use ActionErrors / ActionErrors classes and html:errors tag instead of wot
ur doing...

its the *Struts* way of achieveing wot ur attempting to do...

At 04:21 PM 12/15/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>Chuck Amadi wrote:
>> Hi all, I know that this goes against the idea of Struts , but 
>> nevertheless please help if possible.
>> I have created a web service for a particuler department. that calls 
>> from a Postgresql Database details pertaining to Planning Applications 
>> as follows >
>> Planningdb.jsp > retrivieve data form database for viewing and a 
>> comments tab .
>> Submit.jsp > from the comments tab the Public enters there details and 
>> comment on the App Form .
>> UserInfoValid > from the Submit.jsp this page verifies the fields are 
>> completed and forwards to ProcessForm.jsp if valid and pass it back to 
>> the Database and if incorrect back to Submit.jsp for re-submission.
>> Thus i have created a bean named PlanBean  with the required getters 
>> and setters plus a StatusMsg  Method.
>> private String  firstName,etc etc etc
>> private String statusMsg ;
>> public String getStatusMsg () {
>>        return statusMsg;
>>    }
>>    public void setStatusMsg (String statusMsg) {
>>        this.statusMsg = statusMsg;
>>    }
>>          public boolean isValid() {
>>        boolean valid =true;
>>        statusMsg="";
>>             if  (true ) {
>>            statusMsg += ("Hi there must be working!!");
>>            valid = false;
>>        }
>>        if (lastName.equals("")) {
>>            statusMsg += ("Last Name is Blank");
>>            valid = false;
>>        }
>>        if (address.equals("")) {
>>            statusMsg += ("Address is Blank");
>>            valid = false;
>>        }
>>        if (postCode.equals("")) {
>>            statusMsg += ("Post Code is Blank");
>>            valid = false;
>>        }
>>        if (email.equals("")) {
>>            statusMsg += ("Email is Blank");
>>            valid = false;
>>        }
>>        if (observation.equals("")) {
>>            statusMsg += ("Observations is Blank");
>>            valid = false;
>>        }
>>      return valid ;
>>   }
>> Thus in my UserInfoValid.jsp i have the below scriplet nevertheless i 
>> a unable to to get the validation to prompt a StatusMsg as required .
>> <jsp:useBean id="planBean" scope="session" class="PlanBean" />
>> <%-- Output list of value with invalid format , if any!! --%>
>> <font color="red">
>> <jsp:setProperty name="planBean" property="*"/>
>> </font>
>> <%! boolean valid = true ;  %>
>> <%  if ((planBean.getFirstName()).equals("")) { valid = false ;
>>        planBean.setStatusMsg(planBean.getStatusMsg() + "Please enter 
>> your First Name "); } %>
>> <%  if ((planBean.getLastName()).equals("")) { valid = false;
>>        planBean.setStatusMsg(planBean.getStatusMsg() + "Please enter 
>> your Last Name ");  } %>
>> <%  if ((planBean.getAddress()).equals("")){valid = false;
>>        planBean.setStatusMsg(planBean.getStatusMsg() +"Please enter 
>> your Address "); }  %>
>> <%  if ((planBean.getEmail()).equals("")){ valid = false;
>>        planBean.setStatusMsg(planBean.getStatusMsg() +"Please enter 
>> your Email Address "); } %>
>> <%  if ((planBean.getObservation()).equals("")){ valid = false;
>>        planBean.setStatusMsg(planBean.getStatusMsg() +"Please enter 
>> your Comments "); } %>
>> <%  if (valid) { %>
>>                     <jsp:forward page="ProcessForm.jsp" />
>>       <%  } else { %>
>>            <jsp:forward page="Submit.jsp" />
>> <% } %>
>> Everthing pass thru but if  purposly leave out a field no action is 
>> taken by the PlanBean.
>> Please help as this is stalling me.
>> Cheers Chuck Amadi
>> IT Systems Programmer
>> -- 
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>Try testing for null.
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