
  I am new to struts and I trying to use the logic iterate tag.  The task
that I have to do is to loop through a collection and display some

 I am obtaining the collection on my jsp page itself. The collection is made
of objects.

Here is how I obtain the collection:

 Collection uriLanguages=

Below is how my iterate tag is defined: 

<jsp:useBean id="uriLanguage" class="com.ford.hr.framework.uri.UriLanguage"

  <logic:iterate id="uriLanguage" name="uriLanguages"

        <td align="left">
                <html:link page="/logon.do"><bean:write name="uriLanguage"
        <td align="left">
                <html:link page="/logon.do">Set as Default</html:link>

I have two questions regarding this.
1.Do I have to use the useBean tag to define "uriLanguage".If I don't
specify that I get the error message that uriLanguage is not defined in any
2.Am I using iterate tag correctly? After I started using the useBean tag I
no longer get exceptions, but I do not get the value for link label property
in uriLanguage class.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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