problems while trying to initialize a Connectionpool

2001-08-20 Thread Marc Weber \(H2Opilot\)
Hello ! i am encountering problems by trying to initialize a Database Connnectionpool. in struts-config.xml I got the entries: but by trying to acces these values by the call try { GenericDataSource dataSource = (GenericDataSource)servlet.getServletContext().getAt

problems in multipage form

2001-09-25 Thread Marc Weber (H2Opilot)
Hi everyody ! In my multipage-form(jsp) I'm triing to get the Values of various inputfields (text, textarea, selects .) by refering to the corresponding bean properties. form:text property="h2okoopvname" maxlength="250" size="40" but in my Actionformclass, where I want to use this values (b