I am using the Struts Workflow Extension in a sequence of pages, with one
workflow per page, to prevent users from navigating with the browser buttons,
and this works very well. 
I would however like to have my own back button on some pages so that the user
can go back to a page with attributes etc reset first.
I've tried quite a number of configurations of workflows but have failed to get
it working.
Adding my own back button to the workflow either:
1. re-enables the browser back button on that page, or else
2. causes problems on the page that has been returned to - the submit/next-page
button for that page now generates a previous state violation.
I am not sure whether I am missing something obvious or whether what I am trying
to do is infact logically impossible.
If anyone has implemeted this type of workflow successfully, any advice would be
much appreciated.
Regards, Richard Newton.

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