i don't know much about tiles, but couldn't you achieve this effect by
putting just <IFRAME>s  in each of your template elements?  Each
<IFRAME> would then be a separate pass at the server, effectively giving
you a unique Action for each element of your template.

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/31/2002 12:07:27 >>>
Hmm, it is similar in some ways but not exactly what I'm talking

My goal is to have a templated page where each element of the 
page can be rendered by a different struts action. So I can have 
a header, content, footer, etc action called by a single tile.
This can work with the TilesRequestProcessor as there is code there 
( assuming you have a compatible servlet container, I don't ) to 
change all forwards after the first one to includes.

The change I was proposing would allow the developer to explicitly
do an include instead of a forward. There is already a redirect 
parameter. I thought it would be beneficial to be able to include 
as well.

I need this change because of the way my servlet container treats
forwards. I would guess that other developers could use this 
capability. Perhaps not. 

Either way I am looking for feedback for the idea. 

-----Original Message-----
From: David Graham [mailto:dgraham1980@;hotmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 12:39 PM
Subject: Re: Suggested Change in ActionForwards

This sounds very similar to the 1.1 feature of putting tiles in the

<forward name="success" path="account.form.myFormTile" />

This tells Tiles to process the account.form.myFormTile definition and

construct the response.  Does that meet your needs?


>From: "Ken Riley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: "Struts Users Mailing List"
>To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Suggested Change in ActionForwards
>Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 12:23:52 -0500
>Hi all,
>Recently I've had a good deal of trouble with templates after
upgrading my
>servlet container. It seems my container vendor has revisited their
>interpretation of forwards in the JSP spec which broke my application
>horribly.  Several people on this list ( thanks Cedric and others )
gave me
>good suggestions about how to get my app up and going again.
>my servlet container made it very difficult for any quick-fix
>that I tried. The solution that finally solved my problem involved
>a new 'feature' to the ActionForward and a slight addition to
>the struts-config.dtd. I wanted to share the idea with the group to
>if these additions might be helpful to the rest of the community.
>What I've done is add an include parameter for the <forward> tag in
>struts-config.xml file. This tells the ActionServlet (I'm currently
>with 1.02) to do an include instead of a forward after processing the
>action. This is similar to the redirect parameter that already
>What this allows me to do is explicitly declare that the target
>of the <forward> is in fact not a complete page but is a fragment
>to be included in a template (or tile). This also allows me to have
>element of the template (or tile) be an action.
>The TilesRequestProcessor currently will do an include instead of a
>if the request.isCommitted() is true. This is nice (except it doesn't
>with my #@%& servlet container) but I would like to be able to
>declare this behavior in the base struts package so that the developer
>control of the way forwards operate.
>So, a forward that needs to be an include looks like
><forward name="success" path="/jsp/myPage.jsp" include="true"/>
>where include is an optional parameter that defaults to false.
>I've made the few code changes in my local version of 1.02. I would be

>to submit the changes to the current tree if the powers that be think
>this would be good for the package.
>Thanks for any feedback or <ul>constructive</ul> criticism :).
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