Hi David/Chiji, I have used this solution to my problem and works fine. Basically,
the difference is that instead of calling the jsp page in a success, I´m forwarding
the same action (listCalsses.do). Sure, I had also to control the flow (forwards) in
my action class.

If you need more example, I can send you.

Rogerio Zamboim
System Analyst - dotIP Project
CPqD - Telecom & IT Solutions - Brasil

"David M. Karr" wrote:

> >>>>> "chiji" == chiji nwankwo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     chiji> Hi,
>     chiji> Is it possible to populate a form bean without using the submit button to 
>post the form.  I am using the link tag to forward
>     chiji> the user from one page to another, but at the same time I would like the 
>contents of the form to be sent to the Action form
>     chiji> class.
>     chiji> I do not know if what I am trying to do is actually possible but if it is 
>please let me know how it can be done or at least
>     chiji> where I can start looking for examples that implements this.
>     chiji> Thank you very much in advance.
> I believe I have a similar problem, although it's possible I'm suffering from
> architectural confusion.  I have a link on a main page, like this:
>    <html:link page="/listClasses.do">List Classes</html:link>
> I have a "<form-bean>" like this:
>   <form-bean name="listClassesForm" 
> And my "<action>" is this:
>   <action path="/listClasses"
>                          type="com.intsoft.sgs.web.actions.ListClassesAction"
>                          name="listClassesForm" scope="request">
>    <forward name="success" path="/class/listClasses.jsp"/>
>   </action>
> An excerpt from "/class/listClasses.jsp":
>     <logic:iterate name="listClassesForm"
>                    property="allClasses"
>                    id="klass"
>                    type="com.intsoft.sgs.web.dao.ClassDAO">
>      abc
>     </logic:iterate>
> But when I try to run the app, I get in the browser:
> javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot find bean listClassesForm in scope null
>         at 
> I'm sure I have something basically wrong, but I don't see it.  You may have a
> similar problem.
> --
> ===================================================================
> David M. Karr          ; Best Consulting
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ; Java/Unix/XML/C++/X ; BrainBench CJ12P (#12004)

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