
Is it possible to get a String from ApplicationResources.properties using
struts:message and put it into  a scripting variable to be used later in
the jsp??

I wished to do the following:

<mytaglib:mytag  name="<struts:message key='mytag.name'/>"  attrib2=..../>

where mytag is a custom tag.
This does not work for a custom tag though it works for a normal HTMl tag.

I tried
<mytaglib:mytag  name="<%=<struts:message key='mytag.name'/>%>"  attrib2

also. but  that didn't work either. So I thought I would assign what is
returned by struts:message to a variable say "name" and substitute it using
jsp expression as :

<mytaglib:mytag  name="<%=name%>"  attrib2=..../>

Now the problem is how do I get the value in a variable??
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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