To all Struts users ...

I have released version 0.2d of the ImageButtonBeanManager on

Project Description:
ImageButtonBeanManager is a Struts Extension Package that supports the Struts
HTML Image Tag and the ImageButtonBean class in a manner that is analgous to
the support provided by Struts for the Struts HTML Submit Tag.

It extends Ted Husted's ImageButtonBean approach with a few new features, such
as automatically mapping the selected ImageButton to an ActionForward and
eliminating the need to define ImageButtonBean instances in the ActionForm.  

It builds on this capability and adds some features for similar support of the
SubmitButton, yielding several new DispatchAction classes.  The DispatchAction
classes can be used to develop "Action Flows", which are analgous to
server-side Action scripts.  
"Action Flows" are discussed in detail in the documentation (please see the
link to the "DispatchAction Classes" page from

The ImageButtonBeanManager DispatchAction classes are "ready-to-use" in that
they don't need to be extended or require any application-specific code.  They
can be used in lieu of an application's extensions of the Struts DispatchAction
or LookupDispatchAction classes. They have the potential for relieving much of
the dispatching duties of application-specific Actions. That should bring the
side benefit of reducing the level of coupling between JSPs and Actions.

Larger development projects might get more benefit from this than smaller ones

The developer documentation, JavaDoc, Java code and a sample WebApp are running

Please let me know if this provides any benefit.

Ken Fitzpatrick

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