-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Transaction Token & long running process ...
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2003 08:45:44 +0100
From: "Hossfeld, Frank" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Ted,

I read the answer you wrote Greg Hess. And because I can't answer in the
list - don't know why - I reply directly. I hope this works.

We are searching for a solution of the same problem. We are using Struts and decided to use the Transaction Token to solve this problem.

This works fine, except of one situation.
Here is the text, I wanted to send to the list yesterday:

> Hi,
> we use the Struts Token solution to resolve the race-condition (which
> results e.g. by double-click).
> Now we have a problem with the sendRedirect(), because a
> sendRedirect() does not send the token in the URL.
> So the next token check failes.
> Is there any method or solution to send the token within the URL?
> We discovered this problem in the following situation:
> Every request in our application does the token-check. So, when we
> change from one action to another by forward-mapping, which is defined
> with 'redirect="true"' in the struts-config, the change > failes,
> because the second request, redirected from the browser, does not
> contain the token.
> Regards Frank

Perhaps you can tell me, if we make a mistake or if it is a problem in

For long-processing transactions, there are two possible solutions, we

First, the first request writes his message into the session. The second
request, which has to wait until the first gets his SocketException ... :-), reads the message out of the session and presents it, with the response of the second request. This will not always work, because when the second request has another host, the session is not available and the message not reachable. So, the behavior of the application is not always the same.

Second, you can send a "in progress"-page after receiving the first request, after you started the long running process. This page will send every second a request from the brwoser to the server, where the server is able to check if the long running process has finished. When the long running process has finished, you can send back the response containing the messages of the long running process. In this case, you also have the problem, that the User can close the browser, push the cancel-button or change the URL.

In my opinion, the Transaction Token solution is the best one, to solve this problem.

Regards Frank

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