>The Atlanta Java Users Group (AJUG) has been building some web apps
>using Struts.  Following the Struts examples, we put all of  our display
>strings in a resource file.  However, when we started testing our
>application, we discovered that any page which had a lot of labels was
>very slow when the labels were pulled from the resouce file.  Yes, we
>tried it more than once.    In particular we have a page with about 10
>entry files followed by 30 or so check boxes, each with labels.   When
>we had just the 10 entry fields, the performance was good.  However,
>when we added the check boxes, the time to load the page through Struts
>was 45 seconds the first time and 17 seconds each subsequent time.  When
>we hardcoded the titles in the JSP, then the load time was reduced to
>about 2 seconds.  We have so many check boxes because we are soliciting
>user skills and preferences as part of a profile page.
>We would like to store the labels in the resources file; however, a 17
>second load time is unacceptable.  Any suggestions from the Struts gurus
>in the audience????
Any ideas on what appserver/platform this was running on? And a snippet 
of the page to show how you were using the message resources would be 
good too.

Some jsp compilers/servlet engines do worse with custom tags than others.

>Cynthia Jeness
dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting

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