i do not know if the following problem is due to Struts.
I do not think so but i try to post the message again to see if someone could help me.
I'm a little bit puzzled

i'm deploying my application on SunOS 5.8 and Weblogic 5.1sp9.
I followed all the steps described by jakarta for deplying struts application on 
weblogic but everytime i try to access jsp page i get the following error

Compilation of
   _war_colonirritabile/jsp_servlet/_myJsp.java' failed:

   war_colonirritabile/jsp_servlet/_myJsp.java:39: Superclass
   weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspBase of class jsp_servlet._myJsp not
   (No more information available, probably caused by another error)
   war_colonirritabile/jsp_servlet/_myJsp.java:40: Interface
   weblogic.servlet.jsp.StaleIndicator of class jsp_servlet._myJsp not found.
   (No more information available, probably caused by another error)

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