Hi Christoph

Von: Rooms, Christoph [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> I have a html:file tag in my form.
> The user selects a file, press submit ... And because of 
> validation errors
> he will see the form to re-edit it. BUT the file field is empty. 

There is no workaround. The local file path ("c:\temp\foo")
which you see in the file dialog in the browser is not submitted
to the server but only the filename ("foo").

You cannot return this value ("foo") from the server to the client,
because something like <input type="file" value="foo"> would point to the
local file location.

It is completely normal behavior that you see an empty file-input-field
when struts comes back with some validation errors.
This is sometimes annoying for the user. But that is as it is.

Hans-Joachim Matheus

in-integrierte informationssysteme GmbH \
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