I am attempting to access a variable from an ActionForm that is nested in a 
logic:iterate tag, and I am getting this error:

javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Exception accessing property queueSelected for bean 
spgQueuesForm: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: Unknown property 'queueSelected'

I am using the same tag earlier in the page with no problems.  Any Idea what 
restriction i may be overlooking?

<logic:iterate id="spgQueuesForm" name="spgQueuesForm" property="queueDataSet">
  <logic:notEqual name="spgQueuesForm" value="My Queue" property="queueSelected">
     <input type=checkbox name=name.<bean:write name="spgQueuesForm" 
value=<bean:write name="spgQueuesForm" property="objid"/>>


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