I use an Action class to load resources, e.g., as follows:

        <html:img src='RESOURCE.do?resource=struts-power.gif'
                         alt='Powered by Struts'

The class is simple enough, sans utility classes:

public final class ActionResource
extends Action {
public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping,
ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)
throws IOException,
ServletException {
new WriteResponseImpl().write(new InitResponseImpl().init(request.getParameter(MimeConstant.RESOURCE), response), response);
return null;
} /// ;-) Michael McGrady HomeSites

I also use this in <OBJECT> tags for Flash, as follows:

      name = "movie"
      value = "RESOURCE.MICHAELMcGRADY?resource=image_with_text.swf" />


src = "RESOURCE.MICHAELMcGRADY?resource=image_with_text.swf"
quality = "high"
bgcolor = "#ffffff"
width = "<%= w %>"
height = "<%= h %>"
name = "simple_text1"
align = "middle"
allowScriptAccess = "sameDomain"
type = "application/x-shockwave-flash"
pluginspage = "http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"; />
I need to see how to do this with applets in the <object> tag. Anyone have a clue? I cannot do this with the "codebase" attribute, I think, because that is not the entire URL to be accessed and I want to be inside WEB-INF. Can I just deliver the class with the "code" attribute of the <OBJECT> tag and the ActionResource class?

Thanks for any assistance. If you want to get resources inside WEB-INF, things are not well documented. I think I will have this all pretty much licked, once I get by the applet dilemma. Thanks, again, for any ideas.

Michael McGrady

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