
Has anyone tried using Struts 1.0.2 with the new BEA Weblogic 7.0?

My application was running fine when deployed on HPAS 8.1 (without any
special setup for Struts required).  But while trying out BEA Weblogic 7.0
on Windows 2000, I hit the following runtime error when my JSP tries to load
the Struts custom tag libraries...

<May 31, 2002 9:15:27 AM SGT> <Error> <HTTP> <101020>
Servlet failed with Exception weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspException: (line 2):
Error in using tag library uri='/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld' prefix='logic':
The Tag class 'org.apache.struts.taglib.logic.IterateTag' has no setter
method corresponding to TLD declared attribute 'indexId', (JSP 1.1 spec,
5.4.1) at weblogic.servlet.jsp.StandardTagLib.tld_jspException
        at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspLexer.loadTagLib(JspLexer.java:154)

... [snipped] ...

        at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:152)
        at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:133)

Firstly, it seems that WL 7.0 has a strict "TLD file" checking policy; it
loads and verifies every tag against the TLD even though I did not use that
tag in my JSP.

The above error seems to complain that it cannot find the get/set methods
for the "IterateTag" tag's "indexId" attribute.  But the funny thing is, I
could find it in the IterateTag class (when I decompile it).  So I took out
the <attribute> tag for IterateTag in struts-logic.tld, and re-deploy my
application.  I hit other similar errors with other Struts custom tags (e.g.
ImageTag, etc).  I continue applying the same "patch" and finally, I was
able to run my application on WL 7.0.

I am certain it is not a CLASSPATH problem (which maybe somehow point to an
earlier version of struts.jar).  Anyway, I do not have any other version of
struts.jar other than 1.0.2 (unless WL 7.0 have one somewhere).

Can anyone advise whether I am using struts the wrong way with BEA WL 7.0?
I am pretty sure this "patch" of mine is unorthordox (one fine day, when I
need to use the "deleted" attribute for the tag, I will be in deep trouble).

I did not apply any additional steps in WL 7.0 to use Struts.


Thiam Beng

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