Hi All,

I have sketched out the frame work for my web application. I have configured
my Struts .xml files and put this in my Tomcate 3.2.2 and compiled this and
this has worked. 
The question is what I am doing the correct way of building a web
application and if not which is the professional way.
I have created all my .html pages first and the links work, then I have
converted most of my html pages to .jsp, I would like now to make a login process
to my web application and that intails java files and java forms etc. Then
intergrating the java files into my web application. 
Is this the incorrect way of approaching a web application?
I would appreciate a bit of advise with that.

Thanks Craig for your information on ActionServlets it has helped, I have
read all the information on Struts-example.war and that was really good.
But the example that I got mine out of was out of a book called Profession
JSP 2nd Edition and that was called ch21.
Thanks for your time and looking forward to your response.

Kind Regards
Rodney Smith

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