Hi all, I am a first time struts user, and I am having trouble with the basics. Specifically, I am trying to start at index.jsp, and in IndexAction create a ListNamesForm bean, attach it to the session, and pass control via a 'success' mapping to listNames.jsp. ListNamesForm lnf = new ListNamesForm(); lnf.setAddressHeaders( ahd.getAddressHeaders() ); HttpSession session = request.getSession(); session.setAttribute( Constants.LIST_NAMES_FORM, lnf ); // constants = 'listNamesForm' return ( mapping.findForward("success") ); I get the following error (truncated): javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot find bean ListNamesForm in scope null at org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.handlePageException(PageContex tImpl.java:459) at _0002flistNames_0002ejsplistNames_jsp_16._jspService(_0002flistNames_000 2ejsplistNames_jsp_16.java:559) ..........(and so on) I believe that web.xml, struts-config.xml are configured correctly. Any ideas? Thanks, Neil Hornbeck [EMAIL PROTECTED]