I've got validation working for several forms.  I have noticed, however,
that there is a definite order to things regarding validation.  And, it
seems somewhat cumbersome from a user perspective (IMHO).  I'm looking for
input on how to improve the situation either by using a different
configuration or defining my own validation class(es) or something.

I've got a form with two fields.  Both fields (field1 and field2) are
required, but field2 also needs to be an integer within a certain range.  If
I (the user) enter an invalid value for field2 while leaving field1 empty, I
am returned to the form and notified that field1 is required.  I am NOT also
told that field2 was invalid.  So, I (the user) fill in field1 and resubmit
the form ... only to be returned AGAIN to the form and told that field2 is
invalid (having not changed the existing field2 value from my first submit).

Is this by design?  It would be useful in my application to be able to tell
the user in one round-trip that one required field is missing, PLUS the data
provided in another field is invalid (out-of-range ... not a number, etc.).

Thoughts?  Does that make any sense?  I can provide applicable
struts-config.xml and validator.xml excerpts, but I didn't think it was
really necessary (unless this really is just a configuration problem).

Thanks in advance.

-Bob Hodgeman

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