Re: EL tag libraries and MessageResources

2003-12-29 Thread Wolfgang Woger
That problem was discussed in the nbuser group a couple of weeks ago, in conjunction with code completion. Try to put jstl.jar struts-el.jar struts.jar servlet.jar into NetBeanXX/lib/ext and standard.jarinto NetBeansXX/lib Maybe you can put everything under /lib or .../lib/ext. Wolfgang

EL tag libraries and MessageResources

2003-12-29 Thread Jani Heinonen
Hi, I searched the mailing list archives and the bugzilla database, but couldn't find an answer, so please excuse me if this is a FAQ. I am unable to compile any JSP that uses any of the html-el tags under the embedded Tomcat in Netbeans 3.5.1. The stacktrace follows: bean-cookie.jsp [-1:-1] jav