Hi all,
I've been trying to provide a non-scriptlet solution to describing
attributes and values in a session as part of a 'pretty debug page'
using the iterate tag.  
It seems we need to use commons-IteratorUtils (Deprecated. Use
commons-collections' IteratorUtils.asIterator(Enumeration).)  Though how
to do that in a nice tag is interesting in itself.
Also, Id like to *get* the value of an attribute during the iterate but
keep coming unstuck with nesting problems, is this even possible?
Scriptlet version (works)
<BR><BR><B>Session attributes</B></BR>
java.util.Enumeration e = session.getAttributeNames();
String key;
while (e.hasMoreElements())
Nice taglib version (broken)
<logic:iterate id="item" collection="session.attributeNames"
        <BR><bean:write name="item"/> &nbsp;
        <% out.println(session.getAttribute((String)item)); %>
Any idea/pointers appreciated,

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