I have a Properties object that is stored in the servlet context and I am
trying to access the contained values using the WriteTag.  The problem is
that the property key names consist of dot separated nodes.


I try using:

<bean:write name="myapp.properties" property="myapp.property.name"/>

And I get:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Null property value for 'myapp'

I presume because it is looking for a nested property.  I tried using:
<bean:write name="myapp.properties" property="(myapp.property.name)"/>
but that returned blank.  The only thing that worked was to rename the
property key and replace the periods with slashes as follows:
<bean:write name="myapp.properties" property="myapp_property_name"/>
This worked, but is not really a viable solution for me since the property
keys are previously defined in existing code.  

I looked through the user guide and did some searching on the list, but did
not come up with a solution. Any suggestions?



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